Thursday, March 6, 2008

Spring Sale April 10-12, 2008

It's hard to believe that its already time for the Moppet Togs Spring Sale. Seems like we just packed everything up. But, after a great Thanksgiving, Christmas and a few ski outings, we are ready to go again from April 10-12, 2008 at the same location as last year. It's the old Play it Again Sports location at 8001 West Fairview Avenue Boise, Idaho 83704 just east of the intersection of Fairview and Milwaukee. And, this year all the parking lot construction is done so we won't have to contend with any parking problems.

We had more then 15,000 items in the Fall 2007 sale and expect to have at least 20,000 items for this sale. So, its time to get your gently used kids clothes and associated items out and start entering items. If you have any questions, give us a call at 208-361-2012 and we will be more than pleased to help.

Also, make sure that you tell all of your friends to sign up as consignors this year. The more the merrier or something like that! Send them to our Website at and they should be able to figure it out. If they don't want to consign, tell them to stop by and shop. The best time to stop by is Thursday morning at 9:00 am. For the Fall 2007 we had shoppers lining up at about 7:30 am and by 9:00 am we had over 100 shoppers in line. It's becoming one of the cool things to do in Boise.

Also, this year we plan to have Larry Gebert broadcasting live on Thursday or Friday again, a live radio station broadcast on Saturday and live Internet TV for most of the sale.